Ghost Tarot Communication 002

Dais And its Tombsites

Hello everyone. In this update I wanted to show you some of the world Three of Ghosts takes place in: Dais.

Here is a brief overview of some of the points of interest around the first Tombsite you will be visiting.

Hedelens Gate

A fortress city, destroyed and rebuilt a hundred times. Now it stands as a bristling wall, holding out the horrors of Dais, but such power comes at a terrible cost.


Subterranean Kyokish Forest.jpg

Kyokish Tree. Walking Woods.

It has many names. In their vines an organic alchemical process transmutes Loddicks light into heavy shadow.



After the Flood, the graves appeared,

one for each life lost they say. Great markers

wired into the earth, whirring with desperate purpose.


word trap

It caught their eyes only for a second. Spiralling into its centre they stared with slackened mouths. The soft hum of machinery spinning a seductive macro, its readers starving to death.


I hope you enjoyed this small window into Dais.


Sam Lamont